MIND BODY GREEN: Why You Might Be Thinking About Success All Wrong

Why You Might Be Thinking About Success All Wrong Mind Body Green, Shawn Achor February 13, 2018 In Big Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being, positive psychology expert Shawn Achor reveals his top strategies for achieving success in your career and personal life. His secret? Build other people up first.…

Lisa Wang, Founder of SheWorx, Photo credit: Michelle McCormack

FORBES: Gold Medal Gymnast Takes On Gender Equality In Silicon Valley: Fighting Bias Through Investment

Gold Medal Gymnast Takes On Gender Equality In Silicon Valley: Fighting Bias Through Investment Forbes, Amy Blankson January 25, 2018 Elite athletes are known for their work ethic, their endurance, their passion, and their unparalleled drive to achieve. So, it’s not that surprising that an All-Star gymnast would be drawn to the cut-throat, sink-or-swim world…

LIVE HAPPY: We’re Better Together

We’re Better Together Live Happy, Michelle Gielan + Shawn Achor January 22, 2018 Connect with others to transform your happiness. Michelle Gielan: Shawn, what led you to write your new book, Big Potential?Shawn Achor: Since writing The Happiness Advantage, I had a huge discovery. I became a father as you know [Note: Shawn and Michelle are married happiness researchers], and…