Is “Happy Tech” an Oxymoron?

Happy Tech…an Oxymoron?   In recent months, I have seen a growing number of posts about how bad technology is for us. Technology is blamed for social isolation, disconnection, and corruption.  But I’ve also heard and seen how technology can be used for good — a means to connect, to share knowledge, to empower, even…

LIVE HAPPY: Move Beyond the Problem

Move Beyond the Problem Live Happy, Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan June 10, 2016 Learn to stop ruminating and quickly get to a more positive place. Whenever anything went wrong in her life, our dear friend Samantha became a broken record, stuck playing the same refrain over and over. If a colleague criticized her work, she’d…

RESEARCH STUDY: Walking Facilitates Positive Affect

JC Miler, Z Krizan, April 2016 Walking Facilitates Positive Affect (Even When Expecting the Opposite). This study conducted 3 experiments to examine how walking induced positivity. Walking in this study wasn’t necessarily for exercise. Results showed that: even when participants didn’t know what the purpose of the experiment was, they experienced an increase in positive affect walking caused a…

HUFFINGTON POST: Here’s a Powerful Strategy for Calming Your Anxious Mind

Here’s a Powerful Strategy for Calming Your Anxious Mind Huffington Post, Lisa Capretto, OWN March 28, 2016 There are plenty of reasons to turn to meditation to help alleviate your stress, but if that doesn’t seem like your thing, positive psychology researcher Michelle Gielan wants you to try something else: fact-checking. Gielan is the founder of the…