SUCCESS MAGAZINE: How to Stop Negative Emotions from Derailing Your Success

How to Stop Negative Emotions from Derailing Your Success Success Magazine, Shawn Achor September 23, 2016 Sometimes we come across obstacles in our lives that lower our overall level of happiness and disrupt our path to success—I call these mental map hijackers. A common hijacker is a negative boss who tries to drive productivity through intimidation. There are two…

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: Optimists Are Better at Finding New Jobs

Optimists Are Better at Finding New Jobs Harvard Business Review, Michelle Gielan April 15, 2016 Given that I’m a happiness researcher, you might think I’d strive to help people eliminate unhappiness in their careers. But unhappiness actually serves a crucial function, signaling the need for change, prompting us to switch companies or fields, or even just motivating us to…

SUCCESS: What You Think You Become

What You Think You Become Success Magazine, Shawn Achor July 2, 2015 “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” Napoleon Hill once said. “The mind is everything. What you think, you become,” Buddha taught. You’ve heard high-minded quotes like these all your life. Now science has caught up. We can finally quantify and…