Live Happy: Give Happy

Live Happy, Shawn Achor & Michelle Gielan December 2014 Tips for smart, meaningful giving and receiving this holiday season. Before you go racing out to the mall to pick up a new oversized reindeer sweater for Aunt Sally and a set of drums for your 4-year-old nephew (fun for him, not so much for your…

NPR: Mind Over Milkshake

National Public Radio | April 14, 2014 KELLY MCEVERS, HOST: It’s MORNING EDITION from NPR News. Good morning, I’m Kelly McEvers. DAVID GREENE, HOST: And I’m David Greene. Today, in Your Health we’re looking at food labels. At the grocery store you might glance over the labels on items on the shelves, checking the amount…

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: When a Vacation Reduces Stress — And When It Doesn’t

I thought it was simple: Vacations are fun, Americans are stressed, and happiness raises productivity and sales. Therefore, people should take more vacations, right? But research doesn’t hold that line of thinking up. Not every vacation is equal. According to a 2013 report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, the U.S. is the only developed…

SUCCESS: Holiday Cheer

Holiday Cheer: Small steps can bring a little more joy to the world. Shawn Achor History offers some dramatic examples of how the human brain is designed for emotional contagion. Perhaps the craziest on record is the Dancing Plague of 1518. It reportedly began when a woman, Frau Troffea, started dancing in the streets of Strasbourg,…